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Equipment for birth induction

Induvita will contribute to increasing the quality of diagnostics and treatment in gynecology and obstetrics for the benefit of the patient, the practitioner and society at large.
Our innovative solutions will be sold to both public and private healthcare enterprises nationally and internationally under the Induvita brand.

Get to know our products

Induvita is developing an induction catheter for initiating labour, adapted to the needs of the pregnant woman. Through a user-controlled process, we have designed the gynecological speculum of the future. This is optimal for the patient in terms of experience in use, and at the same time meets the practitioner's functional needs.

See all our products
About Us

Meet the people behind Induvita

Induvita was founded by Hege Hansen and Stine Andreasen. Hege and Stine have many years of experience in gynecology and obstetrics as a midwife and gynecologist. The teamhas  a number of skilled partners.

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